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Forum / Muzica / Ce asculti in acest moment??    
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?? traven
Cont Sters

Inregistat: 18-06-2008
Mesaje: 633

enigma62 a scris:

iar te manca-n cur de mine? mai era una ca s-a sinucis.....

Sheherezadule, dreptu-i ca provoci niste alergii de genul celor de care zici... si asta tocmai fiindca iti bagi nasul :rolleyes:
(...unde nu-ti fierbe oala :D:D:D), da' de aici si pana la a spera ca tot ceea ce iti zgandareste fericirea ta de sarac cu duhu', va disparea prin simpla ta dorintza, e cale luuunga :rolleyes::x ...Oricum, nu vad de ce te plangi :(. Pe Sayyadina o hartzuiai fiindca nu te baga in seama; ...acu', ca ai devenit centrul atentiei, iar nu-ti convine. Pai, acu', spune si tu, asa, de-acolo din bezna cutiei tale craniene, nu ti se pare asta o dovada de... labilitate :rolleyes:, ehm?!?... Aoleuuuu, iar o sa deranjezi vecinii pentru DEX; ...vezi, daca esti zgarcit si nu-ti cumperi unul?!?... Ai putea sa intelegi chiar si tu vreo 30% din ce se discuta aici (daca includem si cuvintele "de legatura")... Da' nuuuuuu, tu preferi sa-ti dai cu presupusul asupra a 99 procente ale fondului lexical, astfel incat fiecare tentativa de-a ta de a construi o replica (pe baza a celor ce doar ti se pare ca le intelegi), ilustreaza perfect "zicerea" referitoare la... incastrarea in zidarie a unui fruct de juglans regia :rolleyes:...

:D:D:D:D:D Eh, acu' chiar ca esti in bezna totala...:D:D:D:D

P.S. Hmmm, vad ca nu mai scrii in zone aiurea, ci ai inceput sa citezi intr-o postare si sa dai raspunsul in alta. Pe cuvant ca incepi sa te dovedesti shocant de tampit :rolleyes::rolleyes: nereusind nicicum sa te "prinzi" cum e cu... extrem de complicatul :rolleyes::rolleyes: mod de a posta.
P.P.S. Nu mi-ai raspuns la intrebarea referitoare la pariu :rolleyes:...

Ultima modificare facuta de traven (24-02-2009 21:55:52)

24-02-2009 16:58:46
?? tasha 1951
Cont Sters

Inregistat: 19-07-2008
Mesaje: 3355
Ciao ciao,non devi piangere
Ciao ciao,se voi scrivi mi
Ciao ciao,ti amo credi mi
Ciao ciao,vedrai que io ritornero
Ne volute pena peno conosciuta
Io soi stata insieme a te inamorata
Indanai reporte lui di parte sai que e gia finite
Era lui l’homo de sogni que sogniavi
Era lui la tinereza que cercavi
Con un abraccio sai que l’ultimo dificile incontransi
Ciao ciao non devi piangere
Ciao ciao se voi scrivi mi
Ciao ciao ti amo credi mi
Ciao ciao fa freti acovrimi
Ciao ciao a noi ci amato gia
Ciao ciao e mai lasate je
Ciao ciao e mai ne termini
Ciao ciao vedrai que io ritornero
Ma io non c’e stata fidanzata
De guardate que m’ho sentito emozionata
Forse ancora inamorada magunata sei spozzata
Tu e’stato il primo home que ho baciato
Un emozione di ananzata di basato
Ti sentivo mai sicuro mai nuntaie e mai scordato
Ciao ciao ma cuanto fine hai
Ciao ciao te sei ingrasato un po’
Ciao ciao all dove habiti
Ciao ciao ti poi pasagio voi
Ciao ciao se voi videamo ci
Ciao ciao tua madre come sta
Ciao ciao come si chiamo noi

24-02-2009 17:02:52
?? enigma62
Cont Sters

Inregistat: 17-01-2009
Mesaje: 97

traven a scris:

enigma62 a scris:

iar te manca-n cur de mine? mai era una ca s-a sinucis.....

Sheherezadule, dreptu-i ca provoci niste alergii de genul celor de care zici... si asta tocmai fiindca iti bagi nasul :rolleyes:
(...unde nu-ti fierbe oala :D:D:D), da' de aici si pana la spera ca tot ceea ce iti zgandareste fericirea ta de sarac cu duhu', va disparea prin simpla ta dorintza, e cale luuunga :rolleyes::x ...Oricum, nu vad de ce te plangi :(. Pe Sayyadina o hartzuiai fiindca nu te baga in seama; ...acu', ca ai devenit centrul atentiei, iar nu-ti convine. Pai, acu', spune si tu, asa, de-acolo din bezna cutiei tale craniene, nu ti se pare asta o dovada de... labilitate :rolleyes:, ehm?!?... Aoleuuuu, iar o sa deranjezi vecinii pentru DEX; ...vezi, daca esti zgarcit si nu-ti cumperi unul?!?... Ai putea sa intelegi chiar si tu vreo 30% din ce se discuta aici (daca includem si cuvintele "de legatura")... Da' nuuuuuu, tu preferi sa-ti dai cu presupusul asupra a 99 procente ale fondului lexical, astfel incat fiecare tentativa de-a ta de a construi o replica (pe baza a celor ce doar ti se pare ca le intelegi), ilustreaza perfect "zicerea" referitoare la... incastrarea in zidarie a unui fruct de juglans regia :rolleyes:...

:D:D:D:D:D Eh, acu' chiar ca esti in bezna totala...:D:D:D:D

P.S. Hmmm, vad ca nu mai scrii in zone aiurea, ci ai inceput sa citezi intr-o postare si sa dai raspunsul in alta. Pe cuvant ca incepi sa te dovedesti shocant de tampit :rolleyes::rolleyes: nereusind nicicum sa te "prinzi" cum e cu... extrem de complicatul :rolleyes::rolleyes: mod de a posta.
P.P.S. Nu mi-ai raspuns la intrebarea referitoare la pariu :rolleyes:...

24-02-2009 17:36:55
?? traven
Cont Sters

Inregistat: 18-06-2008
Mesaje: 633

enigma62 a scris:

traven a scris:

enigma62 a scris:

iar te manca-n cur de mine? mai era una ca s-a sinucis.....

Sheherezadule, dreptu-i ca provoci niste alergii de genul celor de care zici... si asta tocmai fiindca iti bagi nasul :rolleyes:
(...unde nu-ti fierbe oala :D:D:D), da' de aici si pana la spera ca tot ceea ce iti zgandareste fericirea ta de sarac cu duhu', va disparea prin simpla ta dorintza, e cale luuunga :rolleyes::x ...Oricum, nu vad de ce te plangi :(. Pe Sayyadina o hartzuiai fiindca nu te baga in seama; ...acu', ca ai devenit centrul atentiei, iar nu-ti convine. Pai, acu', spune si tu, asa, de-acolo din bezna cutiei tale craniene, nu ti se pare asta o dovada de... labilitate :rolleyes:, ehm?!?... Aoleuuuu, iar o sa deranjezi vecinii pentru DEX; ...vezi, daca esti zgarcit si nu-ti cumperi unul?!?... Ai putea sa intelegi chiar si tu vreo 30% din ce se discuta aici (daca includem si cuvintele "de legatura")... Da' nuuuuuu, tu preferi sa-ti dai cu presupusul asupra a 99 procente ale fondului lexical, astfel incat fiecare tentativa de-a ta de a construi o replica (pe baza a celor ce doar ti se pare ca le intelegi), ilustreaza perfect "zicerea" referitoare la... incastrarea in zidarie a unui fruct de juglans regia :rolleyes:...

:D:D:D:D:D Eh, acu' chiar ca esti in bezna totala...:D:D:D:D

P.S. Hmmm, vad ca nu mai scrii in zone aiurea, ci ai inceput sa citezi intr-o postare si sa dai raspunsul in alta. Pe cuvant ca incepi sa te dovedesti shocant de tampit :rolleyes::rolleyes: nereusind nicicum sa te "prinzi" cum e cu... extrem de complicatul :rolleyes::rolleyes: mod de a posta.
P.P.S. Nu mi-ai raspuns la intrebarea referitoare la pariu :rolleyes:...


In sfarsit ai rezolvat una dintre marile tale "enigme" :rolleyes::D ... La a 75-a incercare :rolleyes::D:D:D, ai reusit in sfarsit sa postezi intr-o forma normala. Se observa insa ca imensul efortul intelectual, necesitat de aceasta uimitoare realizare, ti-a consumat si umbra de judecata care ti-ar fi permis sa postezi (pe langa manifestarea imensei bucurii care te-a cuprins vizavi de epocalul eveniment, incununata cu HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA-ul care cred ca ti-a pus vecinii pe ganduri :D:D:D) ...mai mult de un cuvant (care desi ti-a fost adresat de nenumarate ori, n-ai reusit sa-l retii complet si l-ai reprodus intr-o forma care-i da un alt inteles). Oricum daca ti-au trebuit 75 de incercari pentru a posta normal, ce sa ne mai miram?!? ...(si totusi retardat ti s-a spus de mai multe ori; ...hmmm, abia ai "rezolvat" :rolleyes: cu chiu cu vai o "enigma" :rolleyes: si ai aparut cu alta; da', macar, asta-i enigma... "pe bune" :rolleyes::D:D:D)...

Ultima modificare facuta de traven (24-02-2009 21:58:20)

24-02-2009 19:43:36
?? enigma62
Cont Sters

Inregistat: 17-01-2009
Mesaje: 97

traven a scris:

enigma62 a scris:

traven a scris:

Sheherezadule, dreptu-i ca provoci niste alergii de genul celor de care zici... si asta tocmai fiindca iti bagi nasul :rolleyes:
(...unde nu-ti fierbe oala :D:D:D), da' de aici si pana la spera ca tot ceea ce iti zgandareste fericirea ta de sarac cu duhu', va disparea prin simpla ta dorintza, e cale luuunga :rolleyes::x ...Oricum, nu vad de ce te plangi :(. Pe Sayyadina o hartzuiai fiindca nu te baga in seama; ...acu', ca ai devenit centrul atentiei, iar nu-ti convine. Pai, acu', spune si tu, asa, de-acolo din bezna cutiei tale craniene, nu ti se pare asta o dovada de... labilitate :rolleyes:, ehm?!?... Aoleuuuu, iar o sa deranjezi vecinii pentru DEX; ...vezi, daca esti zgarcit si nu-ti cumperi unul?!?... Ai putea sa intelegi chiar si tu vreo 30% din ce se discuta aici (daca includem si cuvintele "de legatura")... Da' nuuuuuu, tu preferi sa-ti dai cu presupusul asupra a 99 procente ale fondului lexical, astfel incat fiecare tentativa de-a ta de a construi o replica (pe baza a celor ce doar ti se pare ca le intelegi), ilustreaza perfect "zicerea" referitoare la... incastrarea in zidarie a unui fruct de juglans regia :rolleyes:...

:D:D:D:D:D Eh, acu' chiar ca esti in bezna totala...:D:D:D:D

P.S. Hmmm, vad ca nu mai scrii in zone aiurea, ci ai inceput sa citezi intr-o postare si sa dai raspunsul in alta. Pe cuvant ca incepi sa te dovedesti shocant de tampit :rolleyes::rolleyes: nereusind nicicum sa te "prinzi" cum e cu... extrem de complicatul :rolleyes::rolleyes: mod de a posta.
P.P.S. Nu mi-ai raspuns la intrebarea referitoare la pariu :rolleyes:...


In sfarsit ai rezolvat una dintre marile tale "enigme" :rolleyes::D ... La a 75-a incercare :rolleyes::D:D:D, ai reusit in sfarsit sa postezi intr-o forma normala. Se observa insa ca imensul efortul intelectual, necesitat de aceasta uimitoare realizare, ti-a consumat si umbra de judecata care ti-ar fi permis sa postezi (pe langa manifestarea imensei bucurii care te-a cuprins vizavi de epocalul eveniment, incununata cu HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA-ul care cred ca ti-a pus vecinii pe ganduri :D:D:D) ...mai mult de un cuvant (care desi ti-a fost adresat de nenumarate ori, n-ai reusit sa-l retii complet si l-ai reprodus intr-o forma care-i da un alt inteles). Oricum daca ti-au trebuit 75 de incercari pentru a posta normal, ce sa ne mai miram?!? ...(si totusi retardat ti s-a spus de mai multe ori; ...hmmm, abia ai "rezolvat" :rolleyes: cu chiu cu vai o "enigma" :rolleyes: si ai aparut cu alta; da', macar, asta-i enigma... "pe bune" :rolleyes::D:D:D)...

...."ce sa ne mai miram?!? "bah,nea Cireasha..tu te miri si pe cacatul tau, darmite pe chestii simti ca putzi????

25-02-2009 07:32:27
?? traven
Cont Sters

Inregistat: 18-06-2008
Mesaje: 633

enigma62 a scris:

...."ce sa ne mai miram?!? "bah,nea Cireasha..tu te miri si pe cacatul tau, darmite pe chestii simti ca putzi????

:D:D:D He,he,he... Sheherezadule, care or fi chestiile alea... "serioase" :rolleyes::rolleyes: de care ma "mir"?!?... Pai, pentru a da raspunsul, ia sa citam din postarea careia ii "raspunzi" (cica! :rolleyes:):
"Oricum daca ti-au trebuit 75 de incercari pentru a posta normal, ce sa ne mai miram?!?" ...Astea erau chestiile serioase?!? :D:D:D:D:D...

In alta ordine de idei... NEA CAISAAAAA!!!... exact dupa cum prevazusem, masca pe care o prezinti, respectiv "un tip rational,sufletist,romantic ... bla,bla,bla :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:...", nu a avut nevoie decat de o zgarietura foarte superficiala pentru ca neanderthalianul (mai bine zis maimutzoiul care esti de fapt) sa iasa la iveala si prin limbaj... Esti un biet troglodit, cu educatie/maniere, cultura si limbaj de mahala, un becisnic care dintr-un reflex de autoaparare se minte pe sine, doar astfel  reusind sa-si construiasca despre propria persoana o parere care sa-l opresca sa se scuipe-n fatza atunci cand se priveste in oglinda. Pe langa asta, "supravietuirea" iti mai este garantata si de "pielea groasa" (mai ales in zona obrazului) precum si de prostia crasa, acestea functionand tot ca mijloace de autoprotectie, nelasand "sagetile" sa ajunga pana la mintea ta ingusta (...sau daca ajung, nelasandu-le sa produca prea mari vatamari), chestie pe deplin demonstrata si de faptul ca, in pofida dezgustului pe care l-ai provocat pe aici (unele persoane chiar exprimandu-se extrem de explicit in aceasta directie), continui sa apari (, bineinteles, sa te faci de "cacao" la fiecare "aparitie"). Ai 76 de postari pe acest forum si NICI UNA!!! nu contine, macar cat de cat, exprimarea unei idei, chiar si de interes redus... Ai intrat, pe forum doar pentru ca masculului feroce :rolleyes::rolleyes: (care te consideri desigur, ...ptiu!!!) i-a fost lezat orgoliul de macho :rolleyes::rolleyes: din cauza refuzului unei doamne de a-i accepta avansurile. Desi acest refuz a fost exprimat, sunt convins, extrem de elevat si de politicos, pentru ca persoana respectiva, chiar si in scurta existentza pe site, a dat dovezi clare de cultura, educatie si spirit, ...tu, ca o carpa ce esti, in loc sa demonstrezi un dram de demnitate si, cu un zambet, sa-ti ridici palaria si sa faci stanga-mprejur vazandu-ti de ale tale, ...te apuci in idiotenia ta sa o hartzuieti pe forum, sa postezi pe topice legate de sex trimiteri la profilul ei, sa-i scrii comentarii injurioase la profil... (pe scurt, tot tacamul josniciilor care ti-au trecut prin cap)... "Certuri" au mai fost pe forumul asta ( foarte probabil ca vor mai fi), unele chiar purtate la un nivel de limbaj execrabil, dar eu, unul, nu am vazut inca pe nimeni, pe aici, atat de josnic incat sa se apuce sa imprastie venin din motivele care te-au determinat pe tine. Pai, daca dupa toate manifestarile astea de mahalagioaica isterica mai continui sa te consideri barbat, inseamna ca sistemul tau de valori e deraiat rau de tot. Oricum sistemul defensiv (de care amintem inainte) te va impiedica sa realizezi care este de fapt adevarata ta valoare, confirmata clar si de incidentul pe care l-ai provocat, asa ca ma astept sa continui sa apari, nonsalant, pe te miri care topic, infestand forumul cu postari de un nivel demonstrat pe deplin si de cea la care tocmai am raspuns :x:x:x...

Ultima modificare facuta de traven (25-02-2009 21:33:56)

25-02-2009 12:41:47
?? enigma62
Cont Sters

Inregistat: 17-01-2009
Mesaje: 97
sa traiesti COANE,,,esti bun..pacat ca...........

25-02-2009 14:11:40
?? tasha 1951
Cont Sters

Inregistat: 19-07-2008
Mesaje: 3355
Ricchi e Poveri-Sara perche ti amo

O piesa care ma face mereu sa imi revina buna-dispozitie si da..recunosc ca ma invita elegant la ..dans!  =)

Che confusione
sara perche ti amo
e un'emozione
che cresce piano piano
stringimi forte e stammi piu vicino
se ci sto bene
sara perche ti amo.

Io canto al ritmo del dolce tuo respiro
e primavera
sara perche ti amo.
Cade una stella
ma dimmi dove siamo
che te ne frega
sara perche ti amo.

E vola vola si sa
sempre piu in alto si va
e vola vola con me
il mondo e matto perche
e se l'amore non c'e
basta una sola canzone
per far cunfusione
fuori e dentro di te.
E vola vola si va
sempre piu in alto si va ...

Ma dopo tutto
che cosa c'e di strano
e una canzone
sara perche ti amo
se cade il mondo
allora ci spostiamo
se cade il mondo
sara perche ti amo.
Stringimi forte e stammi piu vicino
e cosi bello che non mi casa c'e di strano
matto per matto
almenco noi ci amiamo.

E vola vola si sa
sempre piu in alto si va ...

E vola vola si va
sara perche ti amo
e vola vola con me e stammi piu vicino
e se l'amore non c'e
ma dimmi dove siamo
che confusione
sara perche ti amo...

25-02-2009 17:46:53
?? traven
Cont Sters

Inregistat: 18-06-2008
Mesaje: 633

enigma62 a scris:

sa traiesti COANE,,,esti bun..pacat ca...........

Mestere, daca mai ai, totusi, o urma de bun-simt si de demnitate, fii barbat, recunoaste ca ai gresit, cere-ti scuze doamnei printr-o postare pe acest topic, sau pe unul pe care-l consideri cel mai potrivit... si cu asta putem pune capat circului...
Chiar daca ti se pare ca facand chestia asta imaginea ti-ar fi afectata negativ, nu numai ca n-ar fi asa, ci, crede-ma, efectul ar fi exact invers si chiar ai demonstra ca multe dintre afirmatiile pe care le-am facut despre tine sunt nefondate.

Ultima modificare facuta de traven (26-02-2009 01:52:52)

25-02-2009 21:58:47
?? tasha 1951
Cont Sters

Inregistat: 19-07-2008
Mesaje: 3355

traven a scris:

enigma62 a scris:

sa traiesti COANE,,,esti bun..pacat ca...........

Mestere, daca mai ai, totusi, o urma de bun-simt si de demnitate, fii barbat, recunoaste ca ai gresit, cere-ti scuze doamnei printr-o postare pe acest topic, sau pe unul pe care-l consideri cel mai potrivit... si cu asta putem pune capat circului...
Chiar daca ti se pare ca facand chestia asta imaginea ti-ar fi afectata negativ, nu numai ca n-ar fi asa, ci, crede-ma, efectul ar fi exact invers si chiar ai demonstra ca multe dintre afirmatiile pe care le-am facut despre tine sunt nefondate.
Cred ca-i un sfat bun!
Savy era o fata de bun simt si imi pare sincer rau daca ea si-a sters contul din cauza neintelegerilor,mie imi era draga!
Enigma,trece si tu peste orgolii si asculta si de cei din jur,uneori, vezi, cu sau fara voia noastra ne antrenam in discutii care degenereaza,eu inclin sa cred ca asa s-a intamplat si in cazul tau ,altminteri esti baiat inteligent...=)

26-02-2009 09:25:36
?? tasha 1951
Cont Sters

Inregistat: 19-07-2008
Mesaje: 3355

tasha 1951 a scris:

traven a scris:

enigma62 a scris:

sa traiesti COANE,,,esti bun..pacat ca...........

Mestere, daca mai ai, totusi, o urma de bun-simt si de demnitate, fii barbat, recunoaste ca ai gresit, cere-ti scuze doamnei printr-o postare pe acest topic, sau pe unul pe care-l consideri cel mai potrivit... si cu asta putem pune capat circului...
Chiar daca ti se pare ca facand chestia asta imaginea ti-ar fi afectata negativ, nu numai ca n-ar fi asa, ci, crede-ma, efectul ar fi exact invers si chiar ai demonstra ca multe dintre afirmatiile pe care le-am facut despre tine sunt nefondate.
Cred ca-i un sfat bun!
Savy era o fata de bun simt si imi pare sincer rau daca ea si-a sters contul din cauza neintelegerilor,mie imi era draga!
Enigma,trece si tu peste orgolii si asculta si de cei din jur,uneori, vezi, cu sau fara voia noastra ne antrenam in discutii care degenereaza,eu inclin sa cred ca asa s-a intamplat si in cazul tau ,altminteri esti baiat inteligent...=) revenit! m-am uitat la profilul tau si-am vazut ca esti ardelean de-al meu si mi-am adus aminte de bancul cu pioneza(cand ardeleanul se aseaza pe pioneza si o pune la loc zicand"daca trebe ...trebe"...")asa intre ardeleni,zau ca merita!;)

26-02-2009 09:31:38
?? tasha 1951
Cont Sters

Inregistat: 19-07-2008
Mesaje: 3355
Tina Turner - HELP

When I was younger, so much younger than today

Never needed anybody's help in anyway

But now those days are gone and I'm not so self

Now I find I've changed my mind, I've opened up
the door

Help me if you can I'm feeling down

And I do appreciate you being around

Help me get my feet back on the ground

Won't you please, please help me

And now my life has changed in oh so many ways

My independence seems to vanish in the haze

And every now and then I feel so insecure

And now I just need you like I never did before

Help me if you can I'm feeling down

And I do appreciate you being around

Help me get my feet back on the ground

Won't you please, please help me.

26-02-2009 14:20:35
?? traven
Cont Sters

Inregistat: 18-06-2008
Mesaje: 633

HELLOWEEN - If I could fly   ;)

No fear, no pain
Nobody left to blame
I'll try alone
Make destiny my own

I learn to free my mind
Myself I now must find
Once more
Once more

If I could fly
Like the king of the sky
Could not tumble nor fall
I would picture it all
If I could fly
See the world through my eyes
Would not stumble nor fail
To the heavens I sail
If I could fly

So here I am
In solitude I stand
I've got dreams inside
I need to realize

My faith has grown
No fear of the unknown
No more
No more

If I could fly
Like the king of the sky
Could not tumble nor fall
I would picture it all
If I could fly
See the world through my eyes
Would not stumble nor fail
I could ravage my jail
If I could fly

If I could, if I could, fly
If I could, if I could, fly
If I could, if I could fly
Like the king of the sky
Could not tumble nor fall
I would picture it all
If I could fly
See the world through my eyes
Would not stumble nor fail
To the heavens I sail
If I could fly
Like the king of the sky
Could not tumble nor fall
I would picture it all
If I could fly
See the world through my eyes
Would not stumble nor fail
I could ravage my jail
If I could fly...

Ultima modificare facuta de traven (02-03-2009 16:25:42)

02-03-2009 16:10:32
?? hotbrain
Cont Sters

Inregistat: 13-12-2008
Mesaje: 323
Va aduceti aminte de Mihaela Runceanu?

27-03-2009 18:34:24
?? hotbrain
Cont Sters

Inregistat: 13-12-2008
Mesaje: 323
O voce extraordinara, simt un fior cand ascult piesele ei...ehhh, alte vremuri.

27-03-2009 18:38:02
?? hotbrain
Cont Sters

Inregistat: 13-12-2008
Mesaje: 323

hotbrain a scris:

O voce extraordinara, simt un fior cand ascult piesele ei...ehhh, alte vremuri.

Sau Mihaela Mihai...superb. In general ascult alt gen de muzica, cand ascult asa ceva fiica-mea ma intreaba: mama, vrei sa te sinucizi?..hihi, azi sunt in starea aia in care vreau sa ma sinucid=D=D=D

27-03-2009 18:44:33
?? traven
Cont Sters

Inregistat: 18-06-2008
Mesaje: 633

CARGO - 1989 

...Oh, oh, anule,
Strange-ti zilele si opreste-te!
Calendarul azi l-am aruncat,
Ceasul din perete, de ciuda, a crapat...

Ultima modificare facuta de traven (06-06-2009 14:34:41)

06-06-2009 09:45:59
?? hotbrain
Cont Sters

Inregistat: 13-12-2008
Mesaje: 323

traven a scris:

CARGO - 1989 

...Oh, oh, anule,
Strange-ti zilele si opreste-te!
Calendarul azi l-am aruncat,
Ceasul din perete, de ciuda a crapat... ... gif.xs.jpg

Deseara la 23 o sa-i vad in concert, live =)=), la festivalul berii =D=D

06-06-2009 12:27:34


Inregistat: 15-11-2005
Mesaje: 4000

hotbrain a scris:

hotbrain a scris:

O voce extraordinara, simt un fior cand ascult piesele ei...ehhh, alte vremuri.

Sau Mihaela Mihai...superb. In general ascult alt gen de muzica, cand ascult asa ceva fiica-mea ma intreaba: mama, vrei sa te sinucizi?..hihi, azi sunt in starea aia in care vreau sa ma sinucid=D=D=D

La Aurelian Andreescu simti cum te jeneaza funia la git, nu? :D:D

06-06-2009 15:59:23
?? hotbrain
Cont Sters

Inregistat: 13-12-2008
Mesaje: 323

SandieShaw a scris:

hotbrain a scris:

hotbrain a scris:

O voce extraordinara, simt un fior cand ascult piesele ei...ehhh, alte vremuri.

Sau Mihaela Mihai...superb. In general ascult alt gen de muzica, cand ascult asa ceva fiica-mea ma intreaba: mama, vrei sa te sinucizi?..hihi, azi sunt in starea aia in care vreau sa ma sinucid=D=D=D

La Aurelian Andreescu simti cum te jeneaza funia la git, nu? :D:D

Eeee, da..dar la auzul unor asemenea voci de aur simt ca funia-i de matase =) Sincer, n-am auzit inca nici un solist sa cante " De-ai fi tu salcie la mal " asa cum o facea Mihaela Mihai. Imi place muzica romaneasca veche, inclusiv cea lautareasca ( care n-are nici in clin nici in maneca cu manelele astea idioate ). Dona Dumitru Siminica, fratii Gore, Nelu Ploiesteanu. Lautari pe care nu-i asculta nimeni si e pacat.

Ultima modificare facuta de hotbrain (06-06-2009 20:29:35)

06-06-2009 20:05:08
?? traven
Cont Sters

Inregistat: 18-06-2008
Mesaje: 633

AC/DC - Are you ready? 

Are you ready
Are you ready
Are you ready
Are you ready
Sweet apple pie
Standing in the street
Hands outta line
Looking for some meat (heat?)
She take you high
When you feel her sting
She make you fly
And you know you're coming
Who all need it - who
Who all need it - you
Who all need it, who all need it (yes you do)
You all breathe it, we all need it
Are you ready for a good time
Then get ready for the night line
Are you ready for a good time
Then get ready for the night line
Are you ready for a good time
She making eyes
At everything she meet
Ain't it a crime
When she make you pump heat
She make you fly
Because that's her thing
She make you dry
And you know you're broken in
Who all need it, who all need it
(yes you do)
You all breathe it, we all need it
Are you ready for a good time
Then get ready for the night line
Are you ready for a good time
Then get ready for the night line
Are you ready for a good time
Get with it
Who all need it, who all need it
You all breathe it, we all breathe it
Are you ready for a good time
Then get ready for the night line
Are you ready for a good time
Are you ready for a good time
Are you ready
Are you ready for a good time
I want a good time
Are you ready for a good time
Are you, are you ready
Are you ready for a good time
Good, good, good, good time
Are you ready for a good time
Are you ready, ready, ready
Are you ready for a good time
Are you ready for a good time

09-06-2009 23:04:14
?? traven
Cont Sters

Inregistat: 18-06-2008
Mesaje: 633

FREE - All right now 

There she stood in the street
Smiling from her head to her feet
I said "Hey, what is this"
Now baby, maybe she's in need of a kiss
I said " Hey, what's your name baby"
maybe we can see things the same
Now don't you wait or hesitate
Let's move before they raise the parking rent

All right now baby, it's all right now
All right now baby, it's all right now

I took her home to my place
Watching ev'ry move on her face
She said " Look, what's your game baby
are you tryin' to put me in shame?"
I said " slow don't go so fast,
don't you think that love can last?"
She said " Love, Lord above,
now you're tryin' to trick me in love"

All right now baby, it's all right now
all right now baby, it's all right now

That's all for now, take care and I'll
be back with more in a few days

13-06-2009 13:09:52
?? hotbrain
Cont Sters

Inregistat: 13-12-2008
Mesaje: 323
I wanna love you and treat you right;
I wanna love you every day and every night:
We'll be together with a roof right over our heads;
We'll share the shelter of my single bed;
We'll share the same room, yeah! - for Jah provide the bread.
Is this love - is this love - is this love -
Is this love that I'm feelin'?
Is this love - is this love - is this love -
Is this love that I'm feelin'?
I wanna know - wanna know - wanna know now!
I got to know - got to know - got to know now!

                   Bob Marley - Is This Love.

Ultima modificare facuta de hotbrain (13-06-2009 21:28:26)

13-06-2009 21:25:04
?? hotbrain
Cont Sters

Inregistat: 13-12-2008
Mesaje: 323
Lisa Stansfield - The Real Thing.

13-06-2009 23:33:35
?? traven
Cont Sters

Inregistat: 18-06-2008
Mesaje: 633

RAM JAM - Black Betty 

Whoa, black betty (bam-A-lam)
Whoa, black betty (bam-A-lam)
Black betty had a child (bam-A-lam)
The damn thing gone wild (bam-A-lam)
She said "I'm worrin' outta my mind" (bam-A-lam)
The damn thing gone blind (bam-A-lam)
I said oh black betty (bam-A-lam)
Whoa, black betty (bam-BA-lam)

Whoa, black betty (bam-BA-lam)
Whoa, black betty (bam-BA-lam)
She really gets me high (bam-BA-lam)
You know that's no lie (bam-BA-lam)
She's so rock steady (bam-BA-lam)
She's always ready (bam-BA-lam)
Whoa, black betty (bam-BA-lam)
Whoa, black betty (bam-BA-lam)

Whoa, black betty (bam-BA-lam)
Whoa, black betty (bam-BA-lam)
She's from birmingham (bam-BA-lam)
Way down in alabam' (bam-BA-lam)
Well' shes shakin' that thing (bam-BA-lam)
Boy she makes me sing (bam-BA-lam)
Whoa, black betty (bam-BA-lam)
Whoa, black betty

...O piesa cu un ritm care nu permite, in nici un caz (...zic eu :rolleyes:;)), o deplina imobilitate ;):D...

Ultima modificare facuta de traven (05-07-2009 16:03:38)

05-07-2009 16:01:35
?? Lake
Cont Sters

Inregistat: 29-10-2007
Mesaje: 1750
JETHRO TULL - Pibroch (Cap in hand)

05-07-2009 16:48:19
?? hotbrain
Cont Sters

Inregistat: 13-12-2008
Mesaje: 323
Lisa Stansfield & Barry White.. "All around the world "

Ultima modificare facuta de hotbrain (11-07-2009 10:29:52)

11-07-2009 10:28:39
?? traven
Cont Sters

Inregistat: 18-06-2008
Mesaje: 633

DUFFY - Mercy 

...Repet aprecierea facuta anterior, si anume:
O piesa cu un ritm care nu permite, in nici un caz (...zic eu :rolleyes:;)), o deplina imobilitate ;):D...

Ultima modificare facuta de traven (19-07-2009 23:56:53)

19-07-2009 23:56:36

Am ramas aici

Inregistat: 01-07-2009
Mesaje: 552

I did my best to notice
When the call came down the line
Up to the platform of surrender
I was brought but I was kind
And sometimes I get nervous
When I see an open door
Close your eyes
Clear your heart...
Cut the cord

Are we human?
Or are we dancer?
My sign is vital
My hands are cold
And I'm on my knees
Looking for the answer
Are we human?
Or are we dancer?

Pay my respects to grace and virtue
Send my condolences to good
Give my regards to soul and romance,
They always did the best they could
And so long to devotion
You taught me everything I know
Wave goodbye
Wish me well..
You've gotta let me go

Are we human?
Or are we dancer?
My sign is vital
My hands are cold
And I'm on my knees
Looking for the answer
Are we human?
Or are we dancer?

24-07-2009 08:58:37
?? Xtremul
Cont Sters

Inregistat: 23-12-2007
Mesaje: 6669
Huey Lewis & the News: PERFECT WORLD :D

29-07-2009 16:43:12
?? traven
Cont Sters

Inregistat: 18-06-2008
Mesaje: 633

...Acum, cand comemoram :rolleyes::D doua saptamani de la "disparitia" :rolleyes::rolleyes: "mesterului" :rolleyes::rolleyes: Stromboli de pe 3x (... se pare ca pentru "stingerea" :rolleyes: anumitor... "vulcani" :rolleyes::rolleyes: sunt suficiente, chiar si in forma verbala :rolleyes::rolleyes:, jeturile de lichid secretat de rinichi :rolleyes::rolleyes:), ...probabil ca pentru prohod, in concordantza cu... "spiritul" :rolleyes: "decedatului", ar fi potrivita o... man(e)a, man(e)a... paptiiiiiibidibi!!! :D ... (...una d'aia care l-ar fi uns la suflet :rolleyes::D, avand laitmotivul "...dusmanii moare!!!..." :rolleyes::D:D:D).

...Da', fiindca d'astea n-avem, dedicatia "fara numar, fara numar, fara numar..." :rolleyes::rolleyes: va fi...

"Hell is living whitout you" :rolleyes::rolleyes::D:D:D:D:D atat mai mult cu cat, data fiind conditia scalpului ipochimenului, improscarea cu Alice Cooper, adica alice... cu păr ;):rolleyes:, fi (fost) salutara :D:D:D:D:D:D.

P.S. ...Of,of,of :rolleyes::rolleyes::D:D:D... Datorita faptului ca e vorba de acelasi interpret ( titlurile incep cu aceeasi litera :rolleyes::rolleyes:) comis greseala :rolleyes::rolleyes::D de a indica drept dedicatie-mesaj piesa "Hell is living without you" :rolleyes::D:D:D:D, ...cand, era vorba, de fapt, de...



ALICE COOPER - Hey stupid!!!

Hey bro, take it slow
You ain't livin' in a video
You're flying low with a high velocity
No doubt, you're stressin' out
That ain't what rock n' roll's about
Tet off that one way trip down lonely street

Now i know you've been kicked around
You ain't alone in this ugly town
You stick a needle in your arm
You bite the dust, you buy the farm

Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey stupid
What ya tryin' to do
Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey stupid
They win you lose
Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey stupid


Now i know you've been seeing red
Don't put a pistol to your head
Sometimes your answer's heaven sent :rolleyes::rolleyes::D:D:D
Your way is so damn permanent

This ain't your daddy talkin'
You know, i know
Your story ain't so shocking
You know, y know
Blow some steam
C'mon and scream

Ultima modificare facuta de traven (07-08-2009 00:05:45)

06-08-2009 23:14:20
?? tasha 1951
Cont Sters

Inregistat: 19-07-2008
Mesaje: 3355
Ascult Tatiana regret disparitia ei prematura...=(

07-08-2009 12:53:09

Am ramas aici

Inregistat: 01-07-2009
Mesaje: 552
TOOL - Schism

I know the pieces fit cause I watched them fall away
Mildewed and smoldering, fundamental differing,
Pure intention juxtaposed will set two lovers souls in motion
Disintegrating as it goes testing our communication
The light that fueled our fire then has burned a hole between us so
We cannot see to reach an end crippling our communication.

I know the pieces fit cause I watched them tumble down
No fault, none to blame it doesn't mean I don't desire to
Point the finger, blame the other, watch the temple topple over
To bring the pieces back together, rediscover communication

The poetry that comes from the squaring off between,
And the circling is worth it
Finding beauty in the dissonance

There was a time that the pieces fit, but I watched them fall away
Mildewed and smoldering, strangled by our coveting
I've done the math enough to know the dangers of our second guessing
Doomed to crumble unless we grow, and strengthen our communication

Cold silence has a tendency to atrophy any sense of compassion
Between supposed lovers

And I know the pieces fit

07-08-2009 16:36:01
?? tasha 1951
Cont Sters

Inregistat: 19-07-2008
Mesaje: 3355
Joe Dolan - More&more

07-08-2009 17:21:36

Am ramas aici

Inregistat: 01-07-2009
Mesaje: 552

Din pacate, n-am gasit versurile.

14-08-2009 21:51:20
?? Lake
Cont Sters

Inregistat: 29-10-2007
Mesaje: 1750

14-08-2009 21:53:25

Am ramas aici

Inregistat: 01-07-2009
Mesaje: 552
RADIOHEAD - Fake plastic trees

Her green plastic watering can
For her fake Chinese rubber plant
In the fake plastic earth.
That she bought from a rubber man
In a town full of rubber plans
To get rid of itself.
It wears her out, it wears her out
It wears her out, it wears her out.

She lives with a broken man
A cracked polystyrene man
Who just crumbles and burns.
He used to do surgery
For girls in the eighties
But gravity always wins.
And it wears him out, it wears him out.
It wears him out, it wears . . .

She looks like the real thing
She tastes like the real thing
My fake plastic love.
But I can't help the feeling
I could blow through the ceiling
If I just turn and run.
And it wears me out, it wears me out.
It wears me out, it wears me out.

And if I could be who you wanted
If I could be who you wanted
All the time, all the time.

15-08-2009 01:48:12
?? traven
Cont Sters

Inregistat: 18-06-2008
Mesaje: 633

Ridicati-va mainile "in aer" :) si miscati-le usor stanga-dreapta (...eventual si cu o bricheta aprinsa in una dintre ele ;):))...

SAVATAGE - Believe 

So after all these one night stands
You've ended up with heart in hand
A child alone
On your own
Regretful for the things you're not
And all dreams you haven't got
Without a home
A heart of stone
Lies bleeding

And for all the roads you followed
And for all you did not find
And for all the things you had to leave behind

I am the way
I am the light
I am the dark inside the night
I hear your hopes
I feel your dreams
And in the dark
I hear your screams
Don't turn away
Just take my hand
And when you make your final stand
I'll be right there
I'll never leave
All I ask of you is
Your childhood eyes were so intense
While bartering your innocence
For bits of string
Grown-up wings
You needed

But when you had to add them up
You found that they were not enough
To get you in
Pay for sins repeated

And for all the years you borrowed
And for all the tears you cried
And for all the fears you had to keep inside

I am the way
I am the light
I am the dark inside the night
I hear your hopes
I feel your dreams
And in the dark
I hear your screams
Don't turn away
Just take my hand
And when you make your final stand
I'll be right there
I'll never leave
And all I ask of you is

Ultima modificare facuta de traven (24-08-2009 21:58:35)

22-08-2009 11:05:54
?? tasha 1951
Cont Sters

Inregistat: 19-07-2008
Mesaje: 3355

Je ne rêve plus je ne fume plus
Je n'ai même plus d'histoire
Je suis sale sans toi je suis laid sans toi
Je suis comme un orphelin dans un dortoir

Je n'ai plus envie de vivre ma vie
Ma vie cesse quand tu pars
Je n'ai plus de vie et même mon lit
Se transforme en quai de gare
Quand tu t'en vas

Je suis malade complètement malade
Comme quand ma mère sortait le soir
Et qu'elle me laissait seul avec mon désespoir

Je suis malade parfaitement malade
T'arrives on ne sait jamais quand
Tu repars on ne sait jamais où
Et ça va faire bientôt deux ans
Que tu t'en fous

Comme à un rocher comme à un péché
Je suis accroché à toi
Je suis fatigué je suis épuisé
De faire semblant d'être heureux quand ils sont là

Je bois toutes les nuits mais tous les whiskies
Pour moi ont le même goût
Et tous les bateaux portent ton drapeau
Je ne sais plus où aller tu es partout

Je suis malade complètement malade
Je verse mon sang dans ton corps
Et je suis comme un oiseau mort quand toi tu dors

Je suis malade parfaitement malade
Tu m'as privé de tous mes chants
Tu m'as vidé de tous mes mots
Pourtant moi j'avais du talent avant ta peau

Cet amour me tue et si ça continue
Je crèverai seul avec moi
Près de ma radio comme un gosse idiot
Écoutant ma propre voix qui chantera

Je suis malade complètement malade
Comme quand ma mère sortait le soir
Et qu'elle me laissait seul avec mon désespoir

Je suis malade c'est ça je suis malade
Tu m'as privé de tous mes chants
Tu m'as vidé de tous mes mots
Et j'ai le cour complètement malade
Cerné de barricades t'entends je suis malade

22-08-2009 22:04:02
?? traven
Cont Sters

Inregistat: 18-06-2008
Mesaje: 633

Chiar daca titlul si textul piesei par foarte... "transhante" ;):D, de data asta evidentiez acesta piesa pentru simplul fapt ca-mi plac foarte mult ritmul si linia melodica :)... Asadar, pregatiti-va pentru... HEADBANGING!!!... ;):D:D:D:D

PAIN - Shut your mouth!!!... :D:D:D:D:D 

The only thing I ever wanted, the only thing I ever needed
is my own way - I gotta have it all
I don't want your opinion, I don't need your ideas
stay the fuck out of my face, stay away from me
I am my god - I do as I please

just wipe your own ass and - shut your mouth

I had enough and you're going down - shut your mouth
what comes around you know goes around

my mind is playing tricks on me
I am not as stable as I used to be
pushed and shoved, you know you're going too far
I will not break my back for you no more, I am gonna go my
I am gonna take control
time to wake up and dig myself out of this hell

just wipe your own ass and - shut your mouth

I had enough and you're going down - shut your mouth
what comes around you know goes around - shut your mouth
you're getting what your ego deserves - shut your mouth
what comes around you know goes around - shut your mouth

shut your mouth

I had enough and you're going down - shut your mouth
what comes around you know goes around

shut your mouth
shut your mouth
shut your mouth

Ultima modificare facuta de traven (24-08-2009 22:27:55)

24-08-2009 22:26:32
?? Xtremul
Cont Sters

Inregistat: 23-12-2007
Mesaje: 6669
Singura muzica ascultata azi a fost... alarma unei masini, blocata timp de vreo juma' de ora. :x :D:D
Mi-a placut totusi linia ei melodica :D... doar pina la un punct  insa ! :(

Refrenul citat de Traven ar fi mers oricum de minune (impreuna cu rosiile storcite azvirlite de vecini pe parbrizul preopinentului :D):

"I had enough and you're going down - shut your mouth
what comes around you know goes around

shut your mouth
shut your mouth
shut your mouth"

Mergea de fapt si refrenu' ceva mai... blego-romantzios ;) citat de Tasha:

"Je suis malade c'est ça je suis malade
Tu m'as privé de tous mes chants
Tu m'as vidé de tous mes mots
Et j'ai le cour complètement malade
Cerné de barricades t'entends je suis malade"


Ultima modificare facuta de Xtremul (25-08-2009 01:13:16)

25-08-2009 01:07:11
?? tasha 1951
Cont Sters

Inregistat: 19-07-2008
Mesaje: 3355

Xtremul a scris:

Singura muzica ascultata azi a fost... alarma unei masini, blocata timp de vreo juma' de ora. :x :D:D
Mi-a placut totusi linia ei melodica :D... doar pina la un punct  insa ! :(

Refrenul citat de Traven ar fi mers oricum de minune (impreuna cu rosiile storcite azvirlite de vecini pe parbrizul preopinentului :D):

"I had enough and you're going down - shut your mouth
what comes around you know goes around

shut your mouth
shut your mouth
shut your mouth"

Mergea de fapt si refrenu' ceva mai... blego-romantzios ;) citat de Tasha:

"Je suis malade c'est ça je suis malade
Tu m'as privé de tous mes chants
Tu m'as vidé de tous mes mots
Et j'ai le cour complètement malade
Cerné de barricades t'entends je suis malade"

Cunosc mine s-a intamplat noapte...=D=D

25-08-2009 09:10:32
?? traven
Cont Sters

Inregistat: 18-06-2008
Mesaje: 633

Pentru a incepe weekend-ul cu zambetul pe buze :) :

BOBY McFERRIN - Don't worry, be happy!!!... ;):D:D

Here is a little song I wrote
You might want to sing it note for note
Don't worry be happy
In every life we have some trouble
When you worry you make it double
Don't worry, be happy......

Ain't got no place to lay your head
Somebody came and took your bed
Don't worry, be happy
The land lord say your rent is late
He may have to litigate
Don't worry, be happy
Lood at me I am happy
Don't worry, be happy
Here I give you my phone number
When you worry call me
I make you happy
Don't worry, be happy
Ain't got no cash, ain't got no style
Ain't got not girl to make you smile
But don't worry be happy
Cause when you worry
Your face will frown
And that will bring everybody down
So don't worry, be happy (now).....

There is this little song I wrote
I hope you learn it note for note
Like good little children
Don't worry, be happy
Listen to what I say
In your life expect some trouble
But when you worry
You make it double
Don't worry, be happy......
Don't worry don't do it, be happy
Put a smile on your face
Don't bring everybody down like this
Don't worry, it will soon past
Whatever it is
Don't worry, be happy

29-08-2009 10:59:18
?? coleus
Cont Sters

Inregistat: 26-07-2009
Mesaje: 221
ange'o branduardi=alla fierra de l,est

05-09-2009 21:16:41
?? tasha 1951
Cont Sters

Inregistat: 19-07-2008
Mesaje: 3355
Joe Dolan - More &more

05-09-2009 21:49:38

Am ramas aici

Inregistat: 01-07-2009
Mesaje: 552
SYMPHONY X - Paradise lost

In the cold misty morning
Gleaming rays awake the dawn
Here I stand, a stranger in this land
Does your conscience betray you?
Falling from grace
Feel the sun on my face
Does desire still hold true?

Mystified by her beauty
Does the hunter pity his pray
Under starless skies
All love must die and fade away

Take my hand, divine or damned
Make a stand, seize the day
Oh, yours or mine, damned of divine
Draw the line, come what may

Looking down from ethereal skies
Solid crystal in tears I cry
For all must say their last goodbye
To Paradise...

My yearning is silenced by angelic skin of white
Love conquers all though heaven's fall
This fateful night

Oh, yours or mine, damned of divine
Draw the line, serpentine

Love is a tragedy
All that I have, all that I'll ever need
Is right here inside
Let the winds of freedom be my guide

Looking down from ethereal skies
Solid crystal in tears I cry
For all must say their last goodbye
To Paradise...

Looking down from ethereal skies
Solid crystal in tears I cry
For all must say their last goodbye
To Paradise...
Say goodbye, goodbye, horror.

So I've cheated and I've lied
Been the victim of foolish pride
And I've begged and I've crawled
And I've battled it and bled for it all
Now I'll savor the downfall
Of Paradise..

Looking down from ethereal skies
Solid crystal in tears I cry
For all will say their last goodbye
To Paradise...

05-09-2009 23:11:44
?? tasha 1951
Cont Sters

Inregistat: 19-07-2008
Mesaje: 3355

Emotie de toamna
Nichita Stanescu

A venit toamna, acopera-mi inima cu ceva
Cu umbra unui copac sau mai bine cu umbra ta.
A venit toamna, a venit, acopera-mi inima cu ceva
Cu umbra unui copac sau mai bine, sau mai bine cu umbra ta.

Ma tem ca n-am sa te mai vad uneori
Ca au sa-mi creasca aripi ascutite pana la nori
C-ai sa te-ascunzi intr-un ochi strain
Si el o sa se-nchida c-o frunza de pelin.

Si-atunci m-apropii de pietre si tac
Iau cuvintele si le-nec in mare
Suier luna si-o rasar si-o prefac
Intr-o dragoste mare.

A venit toamna, a venit, acopera-mi inima cu ceva
Cu umbra unui copac sau mai bine, sau mai bine cu umbra ta.
A venit toamna, a venit, acopera-mi inima cu ceva
Cu umbra unui copac sau mai bine, sau mai bine cu umbra ta.

Ma tem ca n-am sa te mai vad uneori
Ca au sa-mi creasca aripi ascutite pana la nori
C-ai sa te-ascunzi intr-un ochi strain
Si el o sa se-nchida c-o frunza de pelin.

Si-atunci m-apropii de pietre si tac
Iau cuvintele si le-nec in mare
Suier luna si-o rasar si-o prefac
Intr-o dragoste mare.

07-09-2009 09:19:37
?? Lake
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